

Mind simply represents the possibility for spirit and matter to unite
within a definite area of experience,
and by uniting to fulfill the purpose of the creation of the universe.

The essential function of mind is to bring about and stabilize relationship.
But the work of establishing relationships
between forces of opposite polarities is enormously difficult,
when these forces are manifesting as an immense variety
of forms and tendencies, each displaying resistance to change,
It has to proceed by stages.

The mind has to be collective before it can be truly individual.
It has to be rationalistic and logical
in order to attain an objective consistency
before it could become the intuition and vision of a Seer.

When the individual stage of human existence is reached,
great questions - which most individuals try not to ask - arise:
What is this mind for?
What purpose are the psychic forms it has built to serve?

The mind itself has to formulate the answers
to is own reluctantly-asked questions,
for nothing else could.
Yet if left alone, the mind would give either
a collective, biological, or cultural answer
or, by glorifying the I-feeling
as the absolute culmination of the universal process of existence,
it would close the door of the field of consciousness
to the downflow of spiritual forces.
A factor existing within the human psyche besides the mind
has somehow to act directly upon the mind,
to serve as hidden gate
through which 'inspirations' of a spiritual nature may enter
and gradually transform the mind.
-The Astrology of Transformation