The number one is in all numbers.
All numbers are expressions of the "one".
They are "one" in varied aspects,
in various degrees of relationship to unity,
performing in varied places and at various times,
the works of unity.
-Fire Out of the Stone
Number 4 refers basically to the material world.
Numerologically speaking,
the Vibration 4 dominates the collective consciousness
of everything belonging strictly to the earth's biosphere,
the realm of life
(using the term life in its strictest sense
as the power that draws together, organizes, sustains and multiplies
a collection of material units.)
At the present stage of the evolution of mankind as a life-species,
the Vibration 4 is dominant.
From the point of view of the ascending process of development
and the eventual spiritualization of human consciousness,
the "Great Work" - to use an alchemical term -
is the raising of the Vibration 4 to the level of the 5.
Mind as a form of activity which can, and yet need not,
become independent of biological impulses,
answers to the Vibration 5.
Symbolically stated, the issue is whether the emergent Number 5
will remain attached to the Vibration (Number 4)
of the biosphere and of generic mankind,
or will become not only sensitive to,
but eventually an operative agent for,
the Universal Love and Light represented by Number 6.
In a symbolic sense,
the man whose mind whose mind has become attuned
to the supernal form of the Universal Light
is also capturing Light-energy to feed the consciousness of men
operating almost exclusively at the level of Vibration 4.
All great inspired works of philosophy, religion, art and literature
can be considered instances of a transcendent type of photosynthesis.
They bring down the 6 into the 5 of the mass mentality of the culture.
The light is esoterically symbolized by the Number 6.
-The Astrological Mandala
...six being the number of the soul
-Fire Out of the Stone