
The Sage

The Sage is totally unattached to anything in particular.
He or she allows all life, all events, all human relationships
to pass through his or her consciousness -
indeed through the whole of his or her being at all levels of activity.
The consciousness of the Sage could almost be called a 'sieve',
for the vast flow of life's experiences pass through it;
but the sieve has form, an individual form.
It is a structured mind.
What flows through it acquires meaning.
This is the supreme mystery of la sagesse.
It gives a meaning to everything that flows through the unresisting,
yet totally focused consciousness.

Where the Sage is, motion occurs.
It is not even 'spontaneous'
because spontaneity etymologically refers to what is 'one's own'.
In the sage, there is no longer any owner
and only a release of dynamism which is consciousness
at the center of the release.
This center is the Sage; but it is not a 'he' or 'she';
it is simply the centrality of the motion,
the 'tone' that is one of a myriad of overtones
of the cosmic Fundamental of the field of activity
to which the action refers.
-The Astrology of Transformation